
Enrollment Begin Dates and Application Deadlines:

For Spring 2025 courses, enrollment begins November 2024*

For Summer 2025 courses, enrollment begins April 2025*

*Applications will be accepted no later than 4 weeks  prior to the semester's start date to ensure that your information will be processed in time for you to enroll. Please note that university holidays will extend this deadline.*

US25-SS26 Application deadlines:
US25 (Full/Session 1) 4/12/25

US25 (Session 2) 6/1/25

FS25 7/25/25

SS26 12/12/25

Applications within 4 weeks of the start date will not be eligible for course enrollment until the following semester. Please note that this policy is non-negotiable and cannot be overridden or circumvented regardless of circumstance.  Additionally, per university policy, students may not attend MSU courses unless officially enrolled in that course.

MSU and the Dual Enrollment staff do not guarantee enrollment in any course.

Before You Apply

Start exploring classes by viewing the Designated Course List (DCL)

  • If a course/department is not listed, it is not available to Dual Enrollment students. Parents and families (including MSU staff) are prohibited from contacting departments directly to advocate or intervene on their student's behalf.
  • Once you've selected a course you're interested in, visit where you can search for courses by department and also read course descriptions to help you decide what to enroll in.

Please be aware of any prerequisites listed with the course description. Higher level courses usually require meeting prerequisites, and you must meet any prerequisites either by:

1.) Taking the appropriate intro level course(s) first.

2.) By earning the appropriate score on an high school AP test. View the AP Equivalencies chart to determine the equivalent MSU course - you would be able to take any MSU course that lists the AP equivalent course as a prerequisite.

3.) Taking an MSU placement test once accepted as a DE student. These tests will evaluate your current skill level and advise you on an appropriate course.

Please note: High school curriculum and collegiate curriculum are not interchangeable. For example, a student who has taken high school Calculus 1 does not qualify automatically to take Calculus 2 as a DE student because they’ve “already taken Calculus 1.” The same is true for foreign languages and other applicable courses. In most cases a student will begin their collegiate career in an intro level course regardless of their high school proficiency unless their AP scores or placement test in that subject area indicate they are ready for a more advanced offering.


Visit the ONLINE APPLICATION and begin by creating a profile. 

From there you will select your course and course number from a drop down menu. Be sure to enter all section numbers that fit into your schedule (this information is obtained at

  • If a course/department is not listed, it is not available to Dual Enrollment students. Parents and families (including MSU staff) are prohibited from contacting departments directly to advocate or intervene on their student's behalf.
  • If you are planning to enroll in a course based on an AP exam score, you must have your AP Score Report in order to apply. You should NOT request that an official copy be sent to the University, because the Dual Enrollment staff won’t receive it. Rather, you should login online at after clicking "View your scores." Then, when you are on the page that shows your scores, select "download score report" and download the report. You will need these scores for any overrides that are needed.


Once you are done with your application you will submit it to your school. 

  • Note for School Administrators & Staff you will need to visit and create a profile. Once you've done so, please email with your name, email address, school, and title. We will then update the database so that you are notified when a student at your school submits an application. This will only need to be done once.


Once the school receives the application they will:

  • review the courses
  • upload student's transcript via
  • enter billing information
  • Either approve and submit the application to MSU Admissions as it is, or send it back to the family to make any changes.

PLEASE NOTE: The Admissions office will process your application and notify the applicant. 

Any Dual Enrollment questions should be directed to the Dual Enrollment office (, not the Admissions office.


MSU Admissions will send two emails with the information needed for you to activate your MSU NetID account and e-mail address, which should be completed as soon as possible.

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST have this letter in order to obtain your MSU credentials. 


After the student is accepted for MSU dual enrollment, they will be informed of next steps of how to enroll in courses.

RVSM Training Waiver

From Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department regarding Dual Enrollment students and RVSM training:

I need to be clear that H.S. students that are dual enrolled will always be assigned to the online RVSM Prevention training. There is no provision with the 2015 Resolution Agreement between MSU and the Federal Department of Education for any student enrolled to be exempt. Our office does advise these students to request a written accommodation that includes a confirmation receipt. The intention is for these students to review the document with their guardian on the resources available and reporting mechanisms. Many have done so in the past few years. Please inform the students and parents during the enrollment process of this requirement. Please have them send the request from their MSU email account (cc’d to guardian) to

University Required DEI Training for ALL Dual Enrollment Students

Dual Enrollment students will be required to complete the MSU Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Foundations Online Educational Module. President Stanley has instituted this program as an important educational component of building an inclusive community, an institutional value at MSU. The module urges participants to consider various individual identities and multiple perspectives in an effort to build communities where everyone has the opportunity to be acknowledged holistically in ways that support their success. We understand that these ideas may challenge our own lived experiences and cause discomfort, but through this comes learning and understanding. Awareness of these key concepts can benefit students in both their personal and professional lives.

Courses and qualifications are further restricted at the discretion of Michigan State University and the Designated Course List and program requirements can be changed without notice.